Tak dapat dipungkiri rata-rata pengguna Windows 7 adalah "mantan" pengguna setia Windows XP sehingga sudah sangat familiar dengan Windows Live Movie Maker yang di Windows XP, untuk nostalgia dengan Windows Live Movie Maker maka saya share Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 15.4.3555.308 untuk Windows 7.
Meski pun Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 ini offline installer tapi Anda harus terkoneksi internet untuk memperlancar proses install. Mendengar kalimat tersebut pasti yang dipikiran Anda adalah apa bedanya installer offline dengan installer online jika masih dibutuhkan koneksi internet dalam proses install? Koneksi internet hanya untuk memperlancar, dan melakukan pengecekan sistem Windows Anda masuk kriteria atau tidaknya sehingga dapat diberi solusi oleh Microsoft, sedangkan yang online Anda harus menunggu cukup lama sekali untuk melakukan proses pengiriman data dan pemasangan secara online dari server microsoft ke komputer Anda.
- Add videos and photos:
- Easy to edit:
- Share online:
- Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher
- Memory: 1 GB of RAM or higher
- Resolution: Minimum: 1024 × 576
- Internet connection: Internet functionality requires dial-up or broadband Internet access (provided separately). Local or long-distance charges may apply. High-speed Internet access is recommended for some features.
- Graphics or video card: Windows Live Movie Maker requires a video card that supports DirectX 9 or higher and Shader Model 2 or higher.
Movie Maker can't start if your computer doesn't have Windows Media Player installed:
Windows Live Movie Maker requires some components of Windows Media Player. Movie Maker can't start if it's installed on a version of Windows Vista or Windows 7 that doesn't include Windows Media Player, and you haven't installed Windows Media Player yourself. To solve this problem, install Windows Media Player from the Microsoft Download Center.
- Movie Maker doesn't support certain file types:
For a list of the file types you can use in Windows Live Movie Maker, see What kind of files can I use in Movie Maker? Support for using MPEG-2 and Microsoft Recorded TV Show video files in your movies is available only if your computer is running one of the following versions of Windows: Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, or Windows 7 Ultimate. Depending on the camera you use to record video, you might need to install your...Download Klik
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